Jackbox games player count
Jackbox games player count

jackbox games player count


On nights with a full moon, the Body Swapper swaps all of their hearts with the player they date.

jackbox games player count

When the Witch gets revealed, they get one bonus heart per collected hair. The Witch takes one hair for every new player dated. However, they lose these bonus hearts if they fail to get a date themselves. The Creep gets a bonus heart for every time they reject a potential partner. GlobĮvery time the Glob successfully dates 3 different players, the Glob's heart count doubles. Monster HunterĪt the end of the game, the Monster Hunter receives a bonus heart every time they date the monster-type they've been secretly told to hunt.Īt the end of the game, the hunted monster will be revealed, and the bonus will be applied. Infected Zombies will be marked at the end with the game with a zombie's hand coming out of the ground. Example: Date on Night 2, dated player infected at the end of Night 3. If a beta zombie dates another player, they will become infected at the end of the next night. NOTE: Becoming a Zombie does not overwrite your original monster power. If every single player has been infected at the end of the game, it's the end of the world and the original Zombie is the only winner, no matter how many hearts they received. Then, everyone they date turn into zombies at the end of the next night. The Leprechaun gets a bonus heart for every player that drops in the rankings.Įveryone the Zombie dates becomes a zombie. When the Leprechaun's power gets revealed, the fake hearts of the players that dated the Leprechaun disappear. Players who date an unrevealed Leprechaun get two fake hearts.


The Serial Killer steals two hearts from players they date the second night they date. If the Vengeful Ghost asks someone out and gets rejected, that player loses a heart. The Vengeful Ghost starts the game with a bonus heart. Turned Vampires will be marked at the end of the game with a bat. NOTE: Becoming a Vampire does not overwrite your original monster power.

jackbox games player count

At the end, the original vampire receives half a bonus heart for every vampire in the game. VampireĮveryone the Vampire dates becomes a vampire, and then, so do the people they date. But if everyone has been cursed, then the curse is lifted and no hearts are stolen.Ĭursed players will be marked at the end of the game with an ankh. At the end of the game, Mummies steal half a heart from every cursed player. Only those who have messaged the Audience can be dated by them.Įveryone the Mummy dates becomes cursed, and then, so do the players they date. The filled-in answer will be chosen by majority vote. They have mad-lib styled prompts that will be sent to every player via the main screen or as replies to a single person, which they vote on. When an audience joins, they take up the slot of a collective eighth player with a globe disguise. The only possible exception to this would be the Vengeful Ghost, as it both supports the player with that monster power and the other players they are playing with, though, for the sake of keeping things fair, it's recommended to keep every power complete secrets until the game reveals them. Depending on your monster power, it's important to keep monster powers a secret from other players. After this, the next highest-ranked unrevealed player will have their power revealed each night. Players can also score hearts when they fulfill certain conditions of their Monster Power.Īfter the first night, the player who is currently in the first place has their monster power revealed. If a player doesn't pick anyone to date, they will be penalized by losing a heart. If a player picks a player they didn't pick them, they get rejected, but don't lose hearts. If two players pick each other, they successfully date each other and both score a heart. After the messaging phase, players each get to choose one player to ask on a date. Players can only send up to 4 messages each night. For each of the six "nights," players message each other, similar to a dating app, in order to try and score a date. Monster Seeking Monster begins with each player being given a secret Monster Power, each with bonuses that can either support the player with the power, hurt other player's scores, or something that combines both. Monster Seeking Monster is one of the games featured in The Jackbox Party Pack 4. 3.18 Tips if you get any curse or infection (i.e.

Jackbox games player count